
QUINDOS is the ideal software for coordinate measuring machines.


The QUINDOS Basic licence provides all commands required for the inspection of standard parts, for example engine blocks, gear boxes etc.

It also includes features like Form and True Position evaluation acc. to ISO, free programmable plots, generation of probing points and much more.

QUINDOS runs on the latest PCs with Windows XP operating system.

Besides the basic package there are about 35 optional packages available.

Main Features:
- 2D/3D gauge simulation using various methods
- Measurement of 2D/3D curves (profiles)
- Digitising of free-form surfaces
- Interactive real time statistics with output in various formats
- Feature based measurement
- Pallet measurement
- Coordinate measuring machine monitoring using various artefacts (e.g. ball plate)
- Interfaces for integrating QUINDOS into the process chain
- Data exchange with SQL databases
- Interface to operating system functions
- Digital Input/Output Interface
- Remote control, allowing other softwares to control QUINDOS

Messtechnik Wetzlar GmbH
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